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can u deliver tickets to ollantaytanbo
Jane G.
01 de mar. de 2012, 16:47

hi there i will be driving cirectly to ollantaytanbo upon my arrivel at cusco airport. can u deliver to el albergue hotel? or is there a drop centre at cusco airport? i am arriving at 7.15 am march 18th and need a ticket for the 21st



Re: can u deliver tickets to ollantaytanbo
Mensajes: 825
02 de mar. de 2012, 11:19

Hello Jane,

Thank you for your email and your interest in our services.

We only deliver tickets in Cusco but you have 2 choices: You can print them directly from our website 3 days before the date or you can come pick them up at our agency in Cusco. We open Monday to Saturday from 9am to 1pm and from 4pm to 8 pm. You can indicate your choice when making the purchase through out website.

Should you need anything else, feel free to contact us again.

Best regards,

Re: can u deliver tickets to ollantaytanbo
Mensajes: 825
03 de mar. de 2012, 15:48

Hi Jayney,

I will answer both your emails here: - You can book directly through our Machu Picchu website . - You don't have to wait, you can book now if you prefer, it is even better. However, only a few days before they will be available for printing through our website.

Kind regards,

Re: can u deliver tickets to ollantaytanbo
03 de mar. de 2012, 20:30

dear heidi,

i just looked on yr website and wanted to is $75US for entrance ticket only to macchu picchu i am not doing a one day tour as i am staying in agua caliente for 3 nights and am organising train tickets myself and i am assuming u will send me a link upon confirmation so i can retrieve my electronic ticket?

gracias jayney

Re: can u deliver tickets to ollantaytanbo
Mensajes: 825
03 de mar. de 2012, 21:00

Dear jayney,

Yes, that is the price of the entrance to Machu Picchu only, our including banking and administrative fees. Please notice that this entrance does not include the Wayna Picchu, sold separately.

Yes, after you purchase you will receive a link to access your purchase. It is through that link that you will be able to print your tickets.

Kind regards,

Re: can u deliver tickets to ollantaytanbo
Mensajes: 825
19 de mar. de 2012, 11:46

Dear Jane,

We had your ticket but because of the weekend we could not put it in the system because the Ministry does not open on the week-end. It is available for printing now hore . You will also find it in attachment. Please accept my apologies for this delay, it is my fault. I should have said 2 days instead of 3 days. I did not count the weekend.

Best regards,

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